- Workshop Bias Detection in Meta-Analayis. Invited workshop at Eindhoven University of Technology. Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
- Meta-analyzing non-preregistered and preregistered studies. Annual meeting of the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Meta-analyzing non-preregistered and preregistered studies. MAER-Net (Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Network) 2024 Colloquium. Augsburg, Germany. Slides
- Meta-analyzing multi-lab replication projects using individual participant data meta-analysis. 5th International Convention of Psychological Science. Brussels, Belgium. Slides
- Invited member of a panel discussing “Controlling for publication bias: Challenges & future directions”. Evidence Synthesis and Meta-Analysis in R Conference (ESMARConf). Online. Video
- Tutorial R package puniform. Invited presentation at the Evidence Synthesis and Meta-Analysis in R Conference (ESMARConf). Online. Slides Video
- Meta-analysis workshop. Invited workshop at the University of Zurich. Online.
- Meta-analysis workshop. Invited workshop at the University of Zurich. Zurich, Switzerland.
- Analyzing data of a multi-lab replication project with individual participant data meta-analysis: A tutorial. 9th Annual Meeting of Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Science. Berkeley, USA. Slides Video
- Comparing the prevalence of statistical reporting inconsistencies in COVID-19 preprints and matched controls: A Registered Report. Invited presentation at the Webinar Series on COVID-19 organized by the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences of Tilburg University. Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Slides
- Correcting for outcome reporting bias in a meta-analysis: A meta-regression approach. 9th European Congress of Methodology. Valencia, Spain. Slides
- Comparing the prevalence of statistical reporting inconsistencies in COVID-19 preprints and matched controls: A Registered Report. Metascience 2021 Conference. Online. Slides
- Bayesian hypothesis testing and estimation under the marginalized random-effects meta-analysis model. Presentation at the workshop ‘Exploring the limits of advanced meta-analysis’. Technical University Dortmund, Germany (online). Slides
- Uncertainty in research and its consequences. Symposium on uncertainty organized by Studium Generale. Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Slides Video
- Meta-analyse: Beperkingen en potentieel. Presentation at Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP). Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Den Haag, the Netherlands. Slides
- Correcting for publication bias in a meta-analysis with p-uniform. Presentation at the department of Psychometrics and Statistics (University of Groningen)*. University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
- P-uniform: A new meta-analytic method to correct for publication bias. 3rd International Convention of Psychological Science*. Paris, France. Slides
- Meta-analysis: Shortcomings and potential. Annual meeting of the Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research (VVSOR). Utrecht, the Netherlands. Slides
- Dealing with publication bias in a meta-analysis. Workshop at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS). Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Slides
- Correcting for publication bias in a meta-analysis with p-uniform. MAER-Net (Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Network) 2019 Colloquium*. Greenwich University, London, United Kingdom.
- Questionable research practices and publication bias. Web lecture in a class on experimental methods and statistics. Princeton University, USA.
- Meta-analyzing an original study and replication. Invited presentation at the 29th IOPS Winter Conference. Leiden University, the Netherlands. Slides
- Meta-analysis and publication bias. Invited workshop at the Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training (RT2) organized by BITSS. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Slides
- Correcting for publication bias in a meta-analysis with p-uniform. Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society*. New York, USA. Slides
- Correcting for publication bias in a meta-analysis. Presentation at the Department of Psychological Methods (University of Amsterdam). University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Slides
- Correcting for publication bias in a meta-analysis. Presentation at the MRC Biostatistics Unit. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Estimating replicability of science by taking statistical significance into account. 32th IOPS Summer Conference. KU Leuven, Belgium. Slides
- Estimating replicability of science by taking statistical significance into account. Presentation at the workshop ‘Perspectives on Scientific Error’. Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Slides
- Estimating replicability of science by taking statistical significance into account. * Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society*. Zurich, Switzerland.
- The consequences of publication bias and questionable research practices. Invited workshop at the 9th Interuniversity Center for Educational Sciences (ICO). Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
- Meta-analysis and publication bias. Invited workshop at the Research Transparency and Reproducibility Training (RT2) organized by BITSS. London, United Kingdom. Slides
- Conducting meta-analyses based on p-values: Reservations and recommendations for applying p-uniform and p-curve. 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, USA.
- Conducting meta-analyses based on p-values: Reservations and recommendations for applying p-uniform and p-curve. Presentation at MAER-Net (Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Network) 2016 Colloquium. Hendrix College, Conway, USA.
- Estimating the replicability of science: Accounting for statistical significance of the original study. Presentation at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy (Erasmus University). Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Getting it right with meta-analysis: Correcting effect size for publication bias in meta-analyses from psychology and medicine. 5th Annual Meeting of Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Science. Berkeley, USA. Slides Video
- Harmful effects of questionable research practices and publication bias on the results of meta-analysis. 1th International Convention of Psychological Science. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Performance of meta-analysis methods in case of questionable research practices and publication bias. 27th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. New York, USA.
- Estimating effect size using original study and replication: A hybrid method. Presentation at the Department of Methodology and Statistics (Tilburg University). Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
- Invited member of a panel of SSMART grant recipients discussing transparency in research. Panel discussion at the 4th Annual Meeting of Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Science. Berkeley, USA.
- Unbiased effect estimation in the presence of publication bias: A new method for meta-analysis and assessing publication bias. Presentation at the Department of Methodology and Statistics (Tilburg University). Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
- Evaluation of replication. 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, USA.
- Unbiased effect estimation in the presence of publication bias: A new method for meta-analysis and assessing publication bias. 6th European Congress of Methodology. Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
- Unbiased effect estimation in the presence of publication bias. Invited poster presentation at the seminar ‘Improving Scientific Practice: Dealing with the Human Factors’. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Slides